Therapeutic Group Consultation

What is Therapeutic Group Consultation?

Therapeutic Group Consultation (TGC) is a consultation model that goes beyond the limitations of current training for therapists by focusing on the person of the therapist, encouraging expressions of authenticity, honesty, receptivity, vulnerability, flexibility, and self-reflection. TGC accomplishes these objectives exclusively in a group context, which adds depth and stability to the psychotherapeutic practices of group participants and helps foster networks for personal and professional support. The experiential nature of TGC also helps by providing a safe forum for therapists to learn from each other and from experienced co-leaders. 

We expect this process to stimulate group members to rethink how they are practicing therapy as they discover the power of their person and presence within the therapist-patient relationship.

Objectives of Therapeutic Group Consultation:

  • Reinvigorating therapy practices by helping therapists in all career stages examine and rethink their approach.

  • Building networks of support for therapists.

  • Helping therapists to understand the relationship of their experiences to their patients.

  • Learning to appreciate what both participants and leaders may be able to teach each other.

  • Teaching what we believe is clinically valuable to understand and practice.

  • Teaching how to emotionally hold others and how to be held.

  • Facilitating the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment.

  • Encouraging courageous action, responsibility, self-control, and justice.

  • Refreshing group members so that they can seek and find beauty and goodness in the world, experience and practice gratitude, and find peace and strength.

  • Insisting on independent thought, attending to what is alive and distinctive in each person.

  • Fostering publication of new, innovative, and creative approaches, either as professional articles, monographs, manuals, or books, or in more innovative media such as podcasts, poetry, films, and dance.

We expect this process to stimulate group members to re-think how they are practicing therapy as they discover the power of their presence within the alliance they co-create with their patients. We anticipate that for some there will be a conjoining desire to write about clinical experiences they are having and which they have never read about before. Our goal is to provide an experiential platform for their “existential awakenings” to be explored as well as encouragement to write about and/or develop new and inventive therapy approaches. To support such engagement TGC seeks to foster publication of new, innovative, and creative approaches either as professional articles, monographs, manuals or books as well as podcasts, poetry, films, and dance.

Richard Raubolt Ph.D., ABPP,
Kirk Brink Ph.D.


Opening Hearts Opening Minds

This passionate book describes a consultation method for practicing psychotherapists, which combines training and experiential learning. The underlying principles of this unique group consultation process are described along with lively illustrative-vignettes. Unlike many other supervision models for therapists, Therapeutic Group Consultation, is based on developing the person of the therapist, as the primary influence on therapy and secondarily on clinical strategies for treatment.